To make it “Look at this white man!” Because he’s part of the family. TIM: Now it’s just a guy who’s never been to a grocery store. When’s the last time you’ve ever gone into a grocery store and seen a pastrami?!” SAM: “Y’all heard of pastrami? Tim made up pastrami.” I mean, Tim eats some things only white people eat. SAM: It really hasn’t, at least not between us. How has it been a factor in your friendship? Tim would be the only white guy in the room, and it would go unacknowledged. One of the unique things Detroiters did was implicitly incorporate race. I can pinpoint the scenes, but I can’t tell we were fighting. TIM: Yeah, I recently watched the episodes.

Like, one of the biggest fights that we’ve ever been in, but we were still filming the scenes. Every phone call ends with “I love you, bud.” We’ll definitely still get drunk and be like, “You’re my number-one guy. TIM: Yeah, we’d look at each other and say, “Turf and turf?” Did you ever have to define the relationship and say, “You’re my best friend”? Or was it understood? We’d always get what we’d call the turf and turf, where we’d order a burger and wings and we’d cut the burger in half and split the wings. In Chicago, we’d go across the way to Corcoran’s, a restaurant right across the street from Second City. SAM: And then we were on the phone watching Jack Benny together. TIM: I remember calling you one Thanksgiving eve at two in the morning and saying, “Turn on PBS right now. Songs nonstop while we’re at each other’s houses, like, “Oh, this is a great one!” SAM: Because you look back and it’s a whole era of times. TIM: I don’t know if there’s ever a point where I can look at it and go. When amid all that did you realize, “Oh, this guy is my friend”? SAM: We got hired onto the main stage of Second City Chicago the same day. Got on touring companies in Chicago at the same time. We both went to Chicago at the same time. Then our trajectories kind of went the same.

We would spend long nights together sitting on my porch or at palace of booze and would just shoot the shit till, like, the sun came up. TIM: Our last few years in Detroit, we got super close. “Yessir.” In the Town Pump, early on, we hit the ground running. SAM: Just make your voice a little deeper. And Tim and our friend Bret would sneak me into the Town Pump. SAM: We would go to a bar there’s a bar right next to Second City Detroit.